Welcome to my website
I upload many of my observations to iNaturalist. My user name on iNaturalist is smwhite. You can see my life list there at: https://www.inaturalist.org/lists/118349-smwhites-Life-List
This website is a photo gallery dedicated to our area's amazing winged insects. I am an amateur naturalist who photographs insects and maintains this website as a labor of love. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken in the Greater Dayton/ Southwest Ohio region. There are over 70 species of butterflies on this website, over 90 species of dragonflies and damselflies, and over 500 species of moths. Click on the links below or at the top of the page to see the photo galleries.

***THIS WEBSITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I am currently in the process of making edits and adding lots of photos from the 2024 season!!! Some parts of this website are under construction.***