Black swallowtail
Male Black Swallowtail on a zinnia flower. The upper row of large yellow dots is a distinctive feature of the males.
This is a female Black Swallowtail. The upper row of yellow dots is not as large as in the males, and females have more blue at the bases of their wings.

Black Swallowtail butterflies are common and widespread from April through October.
Black Swallowtail butterfly, resting in the grass at Beavercreek Wildlife Area.
This Black Swallowtail was photographed at High View in Twin Creek MetroPark. I often see Black Swallowtails at this location. Some butterfly species search for mates at the highest point in their vicinity. This behavior is known as "hill-topping." The lofty open meadows of High View are perfect for hill-topping butterflies.