This is a teneral Blue Corporal dragonfly. Young males and females are brown rather than blue. A redbud tree in full bloom provides a nice pink background.
A newly-emerged Blue Corporal, still attached to its exuvia. Photographed at Germantown MetroPark.

Blue Corporals were formerly rare in Ohio. However, they are rapidly expanding their presence in the southern part of the state, and they are now quite common south of Columbus.
This is another teneral Blue Corporal, hanging out at Cox Arboretum. In addition to Cox and Oakes Quarry, I have also found Blue Corporals at Germantown MetroPark, Twin Creek MetroPark, Caesar Creek, Grant Park in Centerville, Pearl's Fen, and Spring Lakes Park in Bellbrook.
This male Blue Corporal is younger than the individual above. He is still in the process of turning blue and has not yet developed his full color. The pale, thin stripes on the front of the thorax are more apparent in younger individuals.
This is a mature female, resting on a leaf at Twin Creek MetroPark.
Blue Corporals are one of our earliest dragonfly species to emerge locally in the spring. They fly in April and May, with occasional stragglers into early June. My personal early and late sightings are April 14th and June 9th. (Blue Corporals are scarce after the end of May.) The individual at left is a mature male photographed at Oakes Quarry.
Blue Corporals will often perch directly on the ground or on rocks or low branches.