Male Blue-ringed Dancer. The stripes on the thorax are a deep royal blue, and the rings along the abdomen are a lighter shade of blue.
Blue-ringed Dancers are fairly common. They fly from late May through September (with stragglers into October, weather permitting).
Male Blue-fronted Dancer. The thorax is nearly solid blue except for a few thin black stripes.
Female Blue-fronted Dancer. Several brown female damselflies are difficult to distinguish to species.

Blue-fronted Dancers usually fly from late May through September. However, I have one notably late sighting: October 29, 2016. The weather was an unseasonable 81 degrees that day!
This Blue-ringed Dancer was photographed in Adams County, Ohio. Blue-ringed Dancers have only one close look-alike in Ohio, the Paiute Dancer. (See my page on Paiute Dancers for tips on how to distinguish them.)
Male Blue-fronted Dancer. This is another common and widespread species.