Common Buckeye
Common Buckeye on rose leaves. Despite the "Buckeye" name, this species is not a year-round resident of Ohio. It is a regular visitor from the south.
Common Buckeye on Brazilian Verbena flowers at Cox Arboretum.

Common Buckeye butterfly, nectaring on blue mistflowers. Common Buckeyes can arrive in Ohio as early as June, but they are more common in September and October. My latest record of this species is November 9th.
This Common Buckeye was nectaring on late-blooming orange chrysanthemums in November. Butterflies cannot afford to be picky about their nectar sources this late in the fall. These mums were one of the last flowers left in bloom.
A Common Buckeye pensively watches the river at Germantown MetroPark dam.
Another Common Buckeye nectaring on mums late in the season.