Bruce Spanworm. I think of this species as a Thanksgiving moth because I usually find them in late November or early December, either right before or after Thanksgiving.
Another Bruce Spanworm moth. These moths are a nice diversion just when you think that the moth season is almost done for the year.
Our latest flying moth is the Fall Cankerworm. I typically find these moths in December and early January. My personal early and late dates are November 28th and January 18th, but most of my sightings are in December. This is one of only two moth species that I have found in the month of January. (The other is the Green Cloverworm.)
This is a Spring Cankerworm moth. Spring Cankerworm moths fly very early in the year. I typically find them in February and March (rarely with stragglers to early April).
Spring Cankerworm moth with its wings spread. These moths come to my lights in good numbers.
Another Fall Cankerworm moth. The larvae of this species are something of a pest ... but this is a moth that flies in December! Personally, I am a fan.
Another Spring Cankerworm. My earliest sighting of a Spring Cankerworm moth is February 6th.