This is another Common Checkered-Skipper. Note that there is a nearly identical species in the southern U.S. called the White Checkered-Skipper. These two species are virtually impossible to tell apart without dissection. But to my knowledge, White Checkered-Skippers have not yet been documented in Ohio.  

Another Common Checkered-Skipper. I have a handful of sightings from April and May, but these butterflies are much more common in late summer and fall. 

Common Checkered-Skipper. This species is typically a late summer and fall visitor to Ohio. However, there are some indications that they might be able to overwinter in southern Ohio if the weather is mild enough. 

Common Checkered-Skipper puddling at wet mud, along the Great Miami River. 

Common Checkered-Skippers can linger quite late in the year. (My latest sighting is November 13th.)