This is a Common Sootywing, resting on a blade of grass. This species is smaller than the Northern Cloudywing (above). Also note the distinctive white spots on its head. Common Sootywings fly from May through August.

Northern Cloudywing butterfly on a clover blossom, one of its favorite nectar plants.

Northern Cloudywing butterfly. There is a large population of Northern Cloudywings at Sugarcreek Reserve in Bellbrook, and I have also seen them at Twin Creek MetroPark, Grant Park, and Germantown MetroPark. 

Common Sootywings can be found in several locations, including Huffman Prairie, Cedar Bog, Germantown Dam, Caesar Creek, and along the Great Miami River. They seem to prefer wet meadow habitats. I usually find them in low numbers or as solitary individuals.

Hayhurst's Scallopwing. These are uncommon butterflies in our area (more common just to our south). They have alternating light and dark bands on their wings, and a scalloped hindwing fringe. The fringe is tattered in this individual. The Hayhurst's Scallopwing at left is one of only two sightings for me. I found it at Germantown MetroPark on August 13, 2017. My other sighting was along the Great Miami River (sadly, no photos!). 

Another Common Sootywing. The size and number of white spots on the wings is variable. I always look for the white spots on the head to confirm a Common Sootywing ID. 

Northern Cloudywings fly from late May through early July.