Flag-tailed Spinyleg. These dragonflies are fairly common at large ponds, lakes, and prairie wetlands in our area. They are also seen along rivers. 

This Flag-tailed Spinyleg was eating a Common Buckeye butterfly. These voracious dragonflies will lurk in the grass and nab passing butterflies.

This is another shimmery, teneral Flag-tailed Spinyleg, photographed at Spring Lakes Park in Bellbrook. Spring Lakes has an excellent population of this species. 

Flag-tailed Spinylegs fly from mid-June through mid-September.

This individual was photographed at Cowan Lake, which also has a good population of Flag-tailed Spinylegs. 

Here is a Flag-tailed Spinyleg eating a Pearl Crescent butterfly.  I have also seen Flag-tailed Spinylegs eating Hackberry Emperors, Cloudless and Orange Sulphurs, and small skipper butterflies. 

The long, spiny hindlegs are used for holding prey. 

This is a Flag-tailed Spinyleg dining on a Silver-spotted Skipper. I often see these dragonflies hunting for butterflies at Caesar Creek Wildlife Area. They use the prairie as a hunting ground to find butterflies and other small prey insects.

This is a newly-emerged Flag-tailed Spinyleg and my personal early date (June 11, 2023).