Curve-toothed Geometer. This species is somewhat similar to the Large Maple Spanworm (above), but the hindwing edge is more jagged or scalloped.
Large Maple Spanworm. This is a very common species in our area. They are most numerous in August and September, but I have also found a few early individuals in June and July, and one exceptionally late individual on November 8th.
Another Large Maple Spanworm. Notice that there is a pointed edge on the bottom of each hindwing. Each hindwing ends in a single sharp point.
This Curve-toothed Geometer was resting in the leaf litter at Sugarcreek MetroPark. It was doing a convincing imitation of a dead leaf.
I find Curve-toothed Geometers every month from March through September.
Curve-toothed Geometers are exceptionally good leaf mimics.
Large Maple Spanworm, photographed at Sugarcreek MetroPark.
This is a female Curve-toothed Geometer that had been laying eggs on my garage door. You can see the green egg mass below the moth.