Grass-Veneer MOTHS

I see Vagabond Crambus moths in good numbers at my lights, mostly in September but also in early October. 

Elegant Grass-veneer. This moth appears to have a "scary" face on its wings: two angry eyes and a frown. This species is abundant from May to September, with stragglers into October. The individual at left was photographed July 3, 2015, at Huffman Prairie. 

Vagabond Crambus. This species is also known as the Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth.

Topiary Grass-veneer. I have found a couple of these moths at my lights in June and July. 

Eastern Grass-veneer. I have seen a couple of these moths in the month of May. 

Double-banded Grass-veneer. Common at my lights from June through August. 

Arequipa turbatella, photographed July 7, 2017. This is my only sighting of this pretty species. The wings are solid white except for a few black dots.