Ebony Jewelwing & American Rubyspot

Female Ebony Jewelwing. Females have white spot (stigma) near their wingtips. 

Male American Rubyspot. This is our other large metallic damselfly. American Rubyspots generally prefer fast-moving waters, such as rivers. The Germantown MetroPark dam is a good place to find them. They can also be found along the banks of the Great Miami and Little Miami Rivers, some smaller streams, and occasionally at ponds.  

I photographed this young male American Rubyspot on May 28th. You can tell he is newly emerged because the eyes are still pale. I find Rubyspots from mid-May through late October, but they are particularly abundant in late summer and autumn. This species can linger late into fall.

Male Ebony Jewelwing. Their bodies can look green or blue, depending on the light. 

Female American Rubyspot. Rubyspots are very fond of water willows, and it is easy to find these beautiful damselflies by searching water willows along a riverbank. 

Another female American Rubyspot, lacking the typical red color. 

Ebony Jewelwing. This species is abundant near heavily-shaded woodland streams, from May through September.