The butterfly at left is a Meadow Fritillary. Meadow Fritillaries are much smaller than the Great Spangled Fritillaries (above), but they have a longer flight period, stretching from late April through October.

Meadow Fritillaries can appear either reddish or golden-orange. They prefer wet meadows and prairies. 

Ventral view of a Meadow Fritillary. A ghostly white crab spider was sneaking up on this butterfly, but I am happy to report that the butterfly flew off before the spider nabbed him.

Great Spangled Fritillary. This species is very fond of milkweed flowers. The individual at left is nectaring on butterfly weed. 

Great Spangled Fritillary on clover blossom. 

Great Spangled Fritillaries are usually wary around people, and they can be difficult to approach closely.

Great Spangled Fritillaries love open, sunny areas, especially prairies and meadows.

Pair of Meadow Fritillaries at Huffman Prairie. There is a healthy population of Meadow Fritillaries at Huffman Prairie, and I have seen them at a few other locations (mostly around wet meadows and riverbanks). They are found in large numbers along the Great Miami River. 

Great Spangled Fritillaries are most common in June and July. However, a few individuals can persist into early September.