MOTH caterpillars - Group #4
This is a Clouded Crimson caterpillar (a type of Schinia moth), photographed at Huffman Prairie. This species feeds on biennial gaura (also known as biennial beeblossom) in remnant prairies. Their resemblance to Monarch caterpillars might not be accidental: some people think that Clouded Crimson caterpillars mimic poisonous Monarch caterpillars to avoid being eaten by birds. Adult Clouded Crimson moths are gorgeous creatures. I have yet to find one of the adults.
Henry's Marsh Moth. These are very beautiful and distinctive caterpillars. Despite the "marsh" name, these caterpillars are not restricted solely to wetlands. I have found them in several locations throughout our area, including both wetlands and dry prairies.
Eight-spotted Forester Moth caterpillar. I found this guy feeding on its host plant, wild grapevine, at Koogler Reserve in Beavercreek. These caterpillars turn into beautiful day-flying moths.
White-dotted Prominent caterpillar. The adult moths are very common in our area. This caterpillar was photographed at Grant Park in Centerville.

Snowberry Clearwing. Most caterpillars in the sphinx moth family have a single "horn" at the posterior end. The larvae are often called hornworms for this reason. This Snowberry Clearwing caterpillar will turn into a beautiful day-flying moth that resembles a bumblebee. Photographed along the Great Miami River, just south of Miamisburg.
Catalpa Sphinx moth. You can see the black "horn" in the upper right corner of this photo. These are beautiful black and yellow caterpillars. Photographed in Springboro.
Hummingbird Clearwing moth. This is another member of the Sphinx family, so it has a horn at one end. Note that not all Hummingbird Clearwing caterpillars are pink; many are green instead. Photographed at Cox Arboretum on December 5, 2020. This caterpillar was crawling around sluggishly, looking for a place to spend the winter.

Hagen's Sphinx caterpillar, photographed at Sugarcreek MetroPark on October 19, 2022. These caterpillars feed on Osage orange trees.