Common Wood Nymph & Little Wood Satyr
Common Wood Nymph nectaring on rattlesnake master flowers. These butterflies are quite common and prefer living on the edges of woodlands, with grassy fields or meadows close at hand.
Another Common Wood Nymph, resting on a tree trunk at Cox Arboretum. Their eyespot patterns are quite variable. (Ohio has two subspecies and also intermediate forms.)
Another Little Wood Satyr, basking in the sun with its wings open. Photographed at Cox Arboretum.
Common Wood Nymphs typically rest with their wings closed. This is one of many species which can be difficult to photograph with its wings open.
This Common Wood Nymph is nectaring on an echinacea flower. These butterflies will sometimes drink from flowers, but they also feed on tree sap or rotting fruit.
Little Wood Satyr resting on a grass stem. Little Wood Satyrs are fairly widespread. I find them at Sugarcreek Reserve, Grant Park, Cox Arboretum, and many other locations.
Little Wood Satyr, photographed at Pearl's Fen. This species is common around wooded trails.
Little Wood Satyr, peering inquisitively at the camera.
Common Wood Nymphs fly from late June through early September.
Underside of a Little Wood Satyr. This species flies from late May through early August (most numerous in June and July).