beautiful wood-nymph, PEARLY WOOD-NYMPH, common spring moth & the hebrew

The Hebrew moth, photographed July 4, 2016, at Shawnee State Forest (southern Ohio). I have not yet found this moth at my home lights. 

Beautiful Wood-Nymph. These moths are excellent bird-dropping mimics. They are very common at my UV lights from late May through August. 

Common Spring Moth. These beautiful moths feed on honey locust and black locust. 


This is a Pearly Wood-Nymph. Notice the wavy, scalloped subterminal line. Pearly Wood-Nymphs are definitely the less common of these two species in my experience. This one came to my moth lights on June 22, 2023. 

Another Pearly Wood-Nymph, photographed by the Great Miami River in Miamisburg on August 22, 2021. These are the only two Pearly Wood-Nymphs I have seen. 

Another Common Spring Moth. I have found a few individuals at my lights, from May through June. 

The Hebrew moth was named because of the pattern on its wings, which resembles Hebrew characters. Photographed May 14, 2023 at Hocking Hills (eastern Ohio). 

Another Beautiful Wood-Nymph. These moths have a smoothly-curved subterminal line. A similar species, the Pearly Wood-Nymph (below), has a scalloped subterminal line.