This is an Ocola Skipper, an uncommon stray to Ohio. Ocola Skippers have long, narrow wings with a distinctive rectangular shape. 

On the upper surface of their wings, Ocola Skippers have a notched white spot shaped like an arrowhead.

In years when they are present, Ocola Skippers tend to turn up in late summer and fall. My sighting dates range from August 21st to October 9th. 

Most of my sightings have been at Cox Arboretum, but I found the individual at left at Cedar Bog. I have also seen this species at Germantown MetroPark, Oakes Quarry, and the Koogler Reserve in Beavercreek.    

Fresh Ocola Skippers can sometimes have a faint purplish color. This individual was photographed at Oakes Quarry, on October 5, 2024.