This is a Plains Clubtail, state-classified as a threatened species in Ohio. They are rare in our part of the state. I only have two sightings, and they were found at the exact same location, seven years apart! I found this individual along the banks of the Great Miami River near Miamisburg, on May 25, 2024. My only other sighting was at the same spot on June 3, 2017. 

Plains Clubtails look somewhat similar to Pronghorn Clubtails, but Plains Clubtails are larger dragonflies, and the side of Segment 8 is black and yellow (rather than all yellow). 

A Plains Clubtail could also be confused with a Handsome Clubtail. Their clubs are similar, but the thoracic stripes are different. Note that this Plains Clubtail has two complete pairs of black stripes on the side of his thorax. A Handsome Clubtail would have an interrupted third stripe. 

This was my original sighting of a Plains Clubtail at Miamisburg in 2017. I hope to find more of them, but they are extremely scarce in our area. Ohio's best population is in the eastern part of the state along the Tuscarawas River.