Green Cutworm moth. I find them at my lights from July through November.
Another Speckled Green Fruitworm moth. The patterns and colors are variable.
Grote's Sallow. These moths are very common at my lights in the month of April. They have a white dagger shape and faint white spots on their wings.
Another Grote's Sallow. Their caterpillars feed on ash trees.
Grote's Sallow. The white dagger and white spots are less distinct in this individual.
Speckled Green Fruitworm moth. A beautiful moth, and very common at my lights in March and early April.
Chosen Sallow. I have found a few of these spring-flying moths at my UV lights

Speckled Green Fruitworm moth on a leaf at Cox Arboretum.
Another Green Cutworm moth. I have found them flying as late as November 4th.
Another Chosen Sallow. All of my sightings have been in the month of April.
Side view of a Chosen Sallow moth. I love the bronze streak!
Figure-Eight Sallow. The orbicular and claviform spots form a figure-eight shape.
Another Figure-Eight Sallow. I have found a few of these moths at my UV lights in the month of April.
Newman's Brocade moth. Photographed August 3, 2024, at my moth lights.
Multicolored Sedgeminer moth. Very closely related to the species above, but the AM line is more deeply arched. Photographed September 11, 2024 at my moth lights.