The dragonfly at left is a male Eastern Ringtail. This is one of my favorite dragonfly species to photograph. They are generally very cooperative for photos, and they are so colorful that I think they should be called rainbow clubtails!
Eastern Ringtails used to be fairly rare in Ohio. In recent years, they seem to be expanding their range. This is a southern species that might benefit from a warmer climate (unlike most of our clubtails, which are losing ground).
Another female Eastern Ringtail. This species likes to hang out in grassy fields near the river. They perch either on the ground or on the tips of vegetation.
Another female Eastern Ringtail. This species flies late in the year for a clubtail dragonfly. My sightings range from July 3 to October 7.
Superficially, Eastern Ringtails bear some resemblance to Flag-tailed Spinylegs, but Eastern Ringtails are smaller dragonflies with smaller clubs. Their hindlegs are also a dead giveaway. This male Eastern Ringtail has short hindlegs with yellow thighs. A Flag-tailed Spinyleg would have much longer hindlegs with spines on them.
This is a newly-emerged Eastern Ringtail. Its wings are shiny and its flight was weak and fluttery.
Most clubtails have clear wings, but Eastern Ringtails can have a bit of an amber color in their wings.
Eastern Ringtails can be surprisingly difficult to spot when perched in short grass. There is something about their green, striped patterns that blends in very effectively with short-mowed grass.
This is a female Eastern Ringtail. Their abdomens are shorter and thicker than the males' abdomens. .
Most of Ohio's Eastern Ringtail records are from the southwestern corner of the state. Eastern Ringtails have been found at several sites along the Great Miami River, and also at the mouth of the Little Miami. A few strays have turned up elsewhere in the state.
All of the individuals on this page were found along the Great Miami, on the stretch of river between Miamisburg and Middletown.
Eastern Ringtails are little camera hams. This one was mugging for the camera. Ringtails love to have their photograph taken!