springtime darner

Springtime Darners look somewhat similar to Shadow Darners, but there is no overlap in their flight periods. (I have never seen a Shadow Darner before July.) 

Springtime Darners can be difficult to find perched. The individual at left was perched in a tree at Spring Lakes Park in Bellbrook, but they also rest in low vegetation. 

Here is a female Springtime Darner, resting in exposed roots along the riverbank at Germantown MetroPark. Springtime Darners can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including streams, ponds, and lakes. 

Close-up of a Springtime Darner, also at Germantown MetroPark. Note the dark spots at the wing bases. 

The Springtime Darner at left was already looking faded on May 30th. This was near the end of the season for Springtime Darners, just when most other dragonflies were getting started. 

Springtime Darners fly from April through early June in our area. My personal early and late sightings are April 15th and June 10th. 

Here is a newly-emerged Springtime Darner with his wings still pressed together. 

Springtime Darner in flight at Taylorsville MetroPark.