This is a female Swamp Spreadwing, photographed at Spring Lakes Park. This species is found at ponds with shaded, swampy edges.
Close-up view of the Swamp Spreadwing. This species is very similar to the Elegant Spreadwing, but Swamp Spreadwings have darker legs, and the back of the head is dark.
This is a male Swamp Spreadwing. There is a good population of these spreadwings at Spring Lakes Park in Bellbrook. They fly from late May through August.
This female Swamp Spreadwing has aligned her body perfectly with the blade of grass. She can see around the grass stem with her widely-spaced eyes, but she would be invisible to a predator on the other side.
This Swamp Spreadwing is younger than the individual above. Note that the eyes are reddish-brown rather than blue, and the brown shoulder stripe is visible. Also, the side of the thorax is pale yellow instead of white on this younger individual.
Another Swamp Spreadwing. The side of the thorax is white in older individuals.