UNDERWING MOTHS with black hindwings
Several species of underwing moths have black hindwings, and many of these moths have gloomy-sounding names. This one is an Inconsolable Underwing, photographed on July 10, 2015. Notice the prominent white shading on the inner wing margin. I only got a couple of photos of this moth before he flashed his dark hindwings at me and flew off.
This is a Robinson's Underwing, another Catocala with black hindwings. I found this Robinson's Underwing at Cox Arboretum on September 26, 2018. It was resting by outdoor lights on the visitor center.
This is a Tearful Underwing, also found at Cox Arboretum. Very similar to the Robinson's Underwing above, but with minor differences. This Tearful Underwing has a checkered fringe and prominent white chevrons on the inner wing margin. (The Robinson's Underwing above has a solid white fringe and white shading under the PM line.)
Tearful Underwing (same individual as above), resting on a tree at Cox Arboretum. Photographed July 26, 2023.
Angus' Underwing, a very beautiful white-and-black Catocala. This species has a couple of different forms. Some of the forms have more prominent black bands on their forewings than this individual.
This Angus' Underwing (same individual as above) was photographed at my home moth lights on September 17, 2023.